Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rough Grooved

Went on down to the Andersonville neighborhood the see the Neo-Futurists presentation of Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind.   Before the show, I walked along Foster ave. and found a cool Antiques & Oddities shop called The Woolly Mammoth.  

The place is chock full o' fascinating things

Back in the '70s,  I saw hundreds (thousands?) of these things in the Lane Tech basement:

At the counter was a nice young lady named Ashley

The Neo-Futurists show was quite entertaining.  All these pics were taken with the Olympus EP-L1, again using the manual lens.

You may be asking: "Did Rob see any barbed-wire while he was out on Sunday?" 

There were other things that caught my eye, too.

Rust can be so photogenic...

1 comment:

  1. Morning glories show that ol' barbed wire who's boss.

    Nize fotos, RG.
